Welcome to Day 23 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge!
To use content marketing and especially email marketing efficiently, it’s always better to have a plan. To create and develop your content marketing plan, there are some things you need to do and know to get it right. Let’s explore the ways you can set up your content marketing plan effectively.
#1 Set Your Goals
Before you produce one piece of content, you really do need to understand the purpose of it. Set different goals for each promotion and for your business overall to help you figure out what to publish and where.
#2 Know Your KPIs
The key performance indicators that help determine if your actions produce the results you want need to be spelled out. For example, if you publish a sales page for your freebie, who is it for, and what data will you use to determine if it’s working or not? Be specific.
#3 Know Your Audience
You have seen this a lot, but it cannot be stated enough. Knowing your audience isn’t a one-time research opportunity. It’s ongoing. Remember that audiences change slightly over time. You would not market today to the same demographics the way you did in the 1950s or even the 1980s.
#4 Understand Your Competition
How and when your competition does things is just as important as what you’re doing because it can help you identify gaps in coverage. This is the only way to make sure you stand out. Know them and find ways to differentiate yourself.
#5 Know Where You Stand Now and Where You Want to Go
Studying where you are now in your goals is the best way to figure out how to get where you want to go. Use analytics to help you set the standard you want to achieve.
#6 Determine the Best Channels to Publish Your Content
The act of creating your plans will help you figure out a lot of information like where you’re going to need content published. For example, your blog, your email, social media platforms where your audience hangs out, and maybe some industry sites where you can guest blog might work for you.
#7 Know the Types of Content You Need to Publish
When you create a plan to publish content, you’ll be able to choose the right messages to get your point across. It also helps identify areas you can repurpose content.
#8 Find and Earmark Resources
Planning in advance also helps you budget better and find the resources, monetary and human, that you will need to be successful.
#9 Create a Content Calendar
Once you have figured out what you’re going to do, don’t just have it in your head. Instead, create a content calendar so that you can follow a plan that gets a little done each day.
#10 Create and Publish the Content
Once you have the plans, start creating and publishing the content. As you move through your plan, note the results, and keep going.
#11 Advertise and Market the Content
Publishing isn’t enough today. You also need to actively market the content you’re going to create. Share it more than once via email, your blog, social media, and so forth.
#12 Measure the Results
Data is your friend. Use it. Use whatever analytics you have native in your email marketing software and on your website to determine if what you’re doing is working or not.
#13 Adjust and Repeat
Once you start implementing your plan, use the metrics to help you adjust your plans. Repeat what works. Let go of what doesn’t.
Content marketing, whether your business is online or offline, or both, is an essential component of any marketing plan today. You’ll need content in every aspect of your business from the external obvious sales pages, blog posts, and so forth to the internal information such as email messages, social media promotions, and even internal training for employees, contractors, and affiliates, or other stakeholders.
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