Now that you have your branding created and you’re ready to move forward building your business and spreading brand awareness, how do you ensure that you stay true to your brand moving forward?
Strategy #1 Turn Your Mission Statement into Wall Art
This is one of the best ways to remind yourself of your reason for being every single day before you do one bit of work. Reviewing and thinking about your mission statement is also a great way to come up with more content.
Strategy #2 Always Review Your Marketing Toolkit
The reason you need a marketing toolkit is so you can become more consistent. Plus, when you have something to start with, you won’t be spending as much time on the basics and can get even more creative with your design, development, and customer care.
Strategy #3 Set Up Processes & Procedures
When you set up systems in your business, you will avoid problems of incongruency. If you want your landing pages, social media updates, and other content you share to seem like it comes from you, it should sound and look like your brand all the time. The systems will ensure you don’t forget anything.
Strategy #4 Don’t Be Afraid to Reevaluate
You can change your brand over time. The main thing that should stay the same is your overall core principles, message, and value. Outside of that, you can change colors, fonts, word usage, and so forth as needed once you learn more about your audience and what makes them tick.
Strategy #5 Be Accountable to Your Audience
So many times in business, we tend to think only of ourselves. The exercise of creating your marketing message, your branding, and so forth is a way to help you put your audience first. Another way is to think about what would happen to your audience if your business did not exist. If you weren’t helping them, how horrible would that be?
Strategy #6 Be Consistent
Being consistent has been a theme of the 30 Days to Develop Your Brand challenge because it’s one of the most important factors. For example, imagine if you had a popular diet coaching program and in one step, you state that coconut oil is bad for you, but then you offer recipes with coconut oil in them. That small thing can ruin your brand.
Strategy #7 Communicate Your Values
When you hire freelancers, contractors, coaches, graphic designers, content writers, and anyone to help you in your business – from creation to customer service – make sure they understand your brand’s core values and have access to all your branding information in your branded marketing toolkit. (Check out the outsourcing planner)
When you focus on your ideal customer and the basic core values of your brand, it’s hard to go wrong. Use systems and procedures, even if it’s just you, to help remind you of the small touches that you can do to make your branding more cohesive and effective throughout all stages of your customer’s buying journey.