Welcome to Lesson 7 of 30 Days To Your Profitable Blog challenge! Today’s lesson is all about using google to improve your blogging profits.
If you’re using Google AdSense to monetize your blog, you should definitely connect your account with Google Analytics as well. Doing so can give you a tremendous amount of insight to inform future decisions regarding the type of posts you write and to whom you market them. I know the idea of monitoring analytics can seem overwhelming. That’s why I’ll try to break it down for you in this post. Keep reading to learn how to connect your Google AdSense and Google Analytics accounts, along with the benefits of doing so.
How To Link Your AdSense and Analytics Accounts
First, we’ll start with a quick summary of how to link the two accounts in order to be sure you’ll get all the data you need from the process. If you don’t yet have an Analytics account, take a moment to sign up. It’s easy to follow the prompts. Just be sure you’re using the same email account as you did when you signed up for AdSense. This way, you’ll ensure the two will interact properly. When connecting Analytics to Ads, you just have to go to Ads Linking underneath the Product Linking heading and then select your AdSense account. Next, connect AdSense to Analytics by finding the Ads account settings. Find your Analytics account, click Set Up Link, and then choose Save. The two accounts should now be properly linked.
Know What Your Readers Are Looking At
When you add Analytics to your AdSense, you’ll get a clearer picture of who is visiting your site. Knowing your audience and what they like will help you to create future posts that appeal to your readers. By viewing your AdSense account, you can see which of your ads perform best. However, you’re limited because you don’t know what users do after clicking on an ad. With Analytics attached to your account, you are able to fill in the blanks. You’ll see how people found your post and the various aspects of your site that influenced your conversion rates.
Adjust Your Content To Fit Your Readers Needs
You can get a lot of informative data when you link Analytics to your account. You’ll discover how long visitors stay on each page, how many pages they visit, and the average bounce rate. You’ll know if you’re attracting the types of visitors you’re targeting or whether you need to make some adjustments. This type of insight can save you a lot of frustration. If you want to take your content to the next level you can check out my How To Create Profitable Content workbook. This will give you a complete guide on not only making your blog profitable but also give you ideas on other content ideas and how to jumpstart your marketing efforts.
These are just a few basics to help you get the most out of AdSense with Analytics. Some trial, error, and exploration will have you creating ads and posts with impact. Comment below any questions.
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