Welcome to Lesson 24 of 30 Days To Your Profitable Blog challenge!
Affiliate links can be a great way to earn income from your blog. By promoting the goods or services of someone else, you earn a commission on each sale. It can be a much more efficient monetization method than creating your own products. However, promoting affiliates can also be kind of tricky. After all, you want to remain authentic and avoid spamming your audience. That’s why it’s important to only recommend products and services that you truly believe in. When you have awesome things to recommend, it’s actually quite easy to promote them. Check out these five fun and effective ways to work affiliate links into your blog content.
Method #1 Product Reviews
Product reviews are a staple of the affiliate industry. That’s because they’re a straightforward, yet useful, way to promote a product. When you find products related to your niche, check them out. Then share the experience with your audience. You can write a post about a specific product’s benefits or demonstrate how to use it. Talk about the pros and cons. Let folks know what you liked best and why you would recommend the product. Include your affiliate link a few times throughout the post so your readers can click on it easily. You can even do video reviews to accompany a post.
Method #2 Email List
Leverage your email list and subscriber newsletters by adding affiliate links to the content. The people who receive and open these emails are interested in what you have to say. They already trust you. Chances are good that they will be eager to learn more about your recommendations and may consider making a purchase based on what you have to say.
Method #3 Roundup Post
A roundup post is one in which you list a variety of items and elaborate on them in some way. This could be done as a comparison post that lists the pros and cons of similar items. A “best of” list is another possibility. Sharing your favorites can be helpful to your audience. Even a gift guide could fall under this category. Curating lists is a legitimate and thoughtful way to promote your affiliate links.
Method #4 Resources Page
A popular trend for bloggers is to set up a resources page. This page offers a listing of some of the most common products, services, and sites the blogger uses in their daily life. The items on the list are generally relevant to the individual’s niche, but they can vary widely. Adding affiliate links to this list is perfectly acceptable as long as you disclose the fact that you could earn a commission from sales. Be creative but also be clear with the purpose of your links ( For reference you can view my own resource page.)
Method #5 Digital Products
If you sell your own digital products, you can place affiliate links into your content. eBooks, white papers, and the like are perfect places to share relevant recommendations of products or services. Your audience expects to receive your wisdom and expertise in these products. They would likely welcome any suggestions you might have that would make their lives easier.
Keep these ways of working affiliate links into your content in mind as you move forward. Affiliate marketing doesn’t have to feel spammy or icky. It can be a useful and rewarding monetization method. Have you used any of these methods for your affiliate links? Which has been most effective for your blog? Comment below.
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