Welcome to Day 26 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge!
There are a few basic things that you need to know about search engine optimization that will help you get more out of everything you do. When you do SEO right, you’ll get more traffic, convert at a higher rate, and have customers who trust you. SEO is not a trick. It’s a method to help you organize information and deliver it in a way that persuades your audience to act. Try out these tips for improving your SEO strategy.
Tip #1 Title Tags
This HTML element tells the search engine what the page is about and makes the title clickable. The title tag enables the customer to search for the information and then click through to read it.
Tip #2 Meta Descriptions
When you conduct a search and see the results of that search, you’ll see a link to the title and then a description under the clickable link. This is the meta description. You’ll want to ensure that you use up to 160 characters with the keywords toward the front to make it stand out.
Tip #3 Images
When you add images to your website, email messages, or social media, make sure you optimize them by making them the right size for the platform, naming the file a keyword, and including a compelling description of the image that helps search engines and people understand.
Tip #4 Page Speed
Always check your page speed first because if it loads too slow, you’re going to lose people, and nothing else you do will matter. You have less than four seconds to grab your audience’s attention.
Tip #5 Internal Linking
A great way to boost your search engine results is to develop a logical internal linking policy. Always link to like content under each piece of content you create and encourage your readers to follow the links. The search bots will automatically follow each of these links and determine relationships, so make sure it really is related.
Tip #6 Backlinks
A backlink is a link outside your website that links to your pages. Earning them from other authoritative sites helps your search results, but you can also plan it by guest posting, publishing your email posts and newsletters, sharing on social media, and by starting an affiliate program.
Tip #7 User Experience
While a search engine bot cannot tell if the user experience is good or not, having well-formed navigation and creating a website that works well for the user helps too.
Tip #8 Keywords
Studying keywords is an integral part of building your list because keywords are how you’re going to figure out what type of content you want to publish. Plus, you can study your competition’s keyword usage to get more ideas and hopefully stand out better.
Tip #9 Long-Form Content
You need to publish long-form content that showcases your expertise. Some people call this epic content or pillar content. From this content, you’ll develop all the other content.
Tip #10 Short Form Content
You need to create shorter forms of content as well as longer content to switch up the information and attract different types of learners within your audience.
Tip #11 Cross Promotions
Using your website, social media, and email marketing to cross-promote content, products, and services is an essential part of SEO.
Tip #12 Repurposing Content
Remember that every single piece of content you create can be repurposed to use in another form or in another place within your content distribution network.
Search engine optimization is not a trick or a scam. SEO is simply about keeping your website and content organized in a way that helps you get your message to the right people, your target audience. Don’t skip using SEO best practices for all your platforms to ensure you’re using each tool to its utmost capabilities. Make it easy and use an SEO plugin like Yoast on self-hosted WordPress to get all of the SEO mentioned above, working like a charm.
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