Welcome to Day 13 of the Crafting Your Content Marketing Strategy Challenge!
Now that you’ve established trust with your audience via your autoresponder messages, it’s important to keep going so that you can show them the type of value you offer to them with your solutions. The way to do this is with more autoresponder messages that focus more on exploring the value you offer your audience.
As a business owner, one of your primary jobs is to create value. You want to create value for your audience because when they see the value in your offers, they will be more likely to take advantage of them.
The goal that you have now is to establish your value. First, you must do the research necessary to help you understand what drives value for your customers. When you know that, you can explain to the right segments of your audience more about the value of your products and services.
Here are a few email content ideas that you can use to establish value:
#1 Share Samples of Your Work or Products
You can give them an actual sample, or you can give them photographs and explanations of your work and products. Either way, it gives them a sneak peek into what you offer, so they know what to expect.
#2 Focus Content on the Impact of Your Solutions
A good way to ensure you focus on your customers in the content you create is to focus on the impact your solutions provide your customers. This may be via case studies, testimonials, or by talking about results in general.
#3 Customer Testimonials and Case Studies
When you receive a good testimonial or do a case study, always send it on to your email subscribers. This is a great way of demonstrating the value by utilizing user-generated content. You can use video, text, and downloadable files.
#4 Share Any Customer or Expert Reviews
If a customer or a niche expert or influencer shares a review with you of your products, services, or overall business (or just you!), always share it as fast as possible with your email subscribers. If someone else sees value in your solutions, so will your list members.
#5 Create Benefit-Focused Content About Each Product You Promote
When you look at each product or service, try to narrow down the benefits of each feature and focus on the benefits over the features in your emails.
#6 Focus on Your Paying Customers
It cost a lot more to get a new customer than it does to satisfy and delight your existing customers. For this reason, create more products and services that are progressively more valuable (and expensive) designed exclusively for your current paying customers.
#7 If Appropriate, Use Humor
Emails can sometimes be boring, and due to that, it is hard for them to end up being read – even if you are lucky enough to design good headlines that get them opened. Try to use humor and liven up the tenor of your emails.
#8 Always Follow Up
Following up after every content that had a call to action included – no matter whether it was for a survey, about a product, or something else – is an important part of creating emails that establish value. Sending an email pointing out the value of the product they bought and how to get it will do wonders for your campaigns.
Establishing value is always all about your customers and what they perceive as value. You may be able to discover this by analyzing your best products and services to find out what they like most. You may also be able to identify more value points by interacting in communities. But it’s clear that the best way is to study your audience to find out what they value and then make sure you give them what they want.
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