Welcome to Day 30 the final day of the Crafting Your Content Marketing Strategy Challenge!

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days.

You’ve learned so much in this series about content marketing to support your business. It doesn’t matter if you have a product-based business or a service-based business, you can use content marketing to build your business, advance your branding, and make more sales.

Don’t forget to save this page so that you can go back to these posts again and again. They are important for you to read again and implement as you are ready.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Welcome and Why Content Marketing is a Crucial Strategy for Your Business
  2. What Exactly is Content Marketing?
  3. Content Marketing is More Than Blogging
  4. The Basics of Using Content Marketing to Support Your Business
  5. What Platforms Should You Utilize in Your Content Marketing
  6. Do You Have a Content Marketing Plan with Clearly Defined Goals?
  7. Using Content to Draw in New Potential Customers
  8. Why You Don’t Want to Try to Sell Them Directly in Your Content
  9. Mapping Out a Marketing Funnel from Content to Sale
  10. Step One of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Get Their Attention
  11. Step Two of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Get Them on Your List
  12. Step Three of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Gain Their Trust
  13. Step Four of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Establish Value
  14. Step Five of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Close the Sale
  15. Step Six of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Turn Them into Lifetime Customers
  16. Step Seven of Your Content Marketing Funnel – Turn Customers Into Superfans and Advocates That Help You Spread the Word and Share Your Content Far and Wide
  17. Content Marketing Pitfalls You Want to Avoid
  18. Content Marketing on Social Media – Get in Front ff Your Target Audience
  19. The Importance of Presenting Your Content in Different Formats
  20. Reusing and Repurposing Content for Better ROI
  21. Creating Leverage Through Quality Content
  22. Tips for Outsourcing Content Creation and Distribution
  23. Creating and Uploading Content in Batches to Save Time
  24. Using Fresh Content to Reconnect with Existing Customers
  25. Using Content to Help Customers Consume Your Products
  26. The Importance of Content Marketing for Service Providers
  27. Use Content Marketing to Get Your Competition to Promote You
  28. Using Content Marketing to Gain Media Attention
  29. Reviewing Data to Determine What Parts of Your Content Marketing Plan are Effective

I’m curious about what part of this series about content marketing has had the biggest impact on you regarding the information you’ve learned about content marketing in relation to your business. What tips and ideas have you found to be the most helpful? What have you not tried yet but want to?

Take a few minutes today to reflect on not only how far you’ve come in your business and knowledge about content marketing, but more importantly, how this simple 30-day challenge has influenced you and changed you for the better.

What positive experiences have you had as a result of utilizing this content marketing to support your business that you’ve consumed in this 30-day challenge and series? I can’t wait to hear from you.


Please leave any comments or questions below.

Thank you for joining me! To go to your next lesson simply click the “Next Post” button below.


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