Welcome to Day 6 of the Using Social Media To Drive Traffic To Your Website Challenge!
Due to the proliferation of automation for social media platforms, there is a serious problem with how many businesses are sharing their information. Sadly, this can end up being a huge mistake for the business which means they’re doing a lot of extra work without the benefit because they were trying to save time with automation. That’s why you probably want to choose one network to exploit until you can afford to hire experts for each network.
But if you are going to be on multiple networks you shouldn’t post the same thing across multiple social media platforms in the same way at the same time. Every platform is slightly different and while your audience is there, how the audience embraces things on Facebook is very different from how they embrace things on Twitter.
But don’t worry it doesn’t have to be a lot of extra work. You simply only need to tweak each post a little based on the platform you want to share it on. For example, if you share something on Instagram and Pinterest, both highly visual social media platforms, even though the link is going to take the audience to the same website and perhaps even the same landing page, you want each post to look different.
Try This Out
In order to fully optimize your social posts keep some of these things in mind.
Image Sizes
Each social network has preferred image sizes and it’s important that you know what they are before creating a graphic or sharing an image on them. It can be hard to keep up since they do change so it helps to check with the network before creating the graphic, each time.
Image Preferences
Each social network also has a different vibe which means different images will perform better or worse depending on where it’s posted. For example, on Pinterest lighter images, that do not show faces, are more likely to be shared. But it’s the opposite on Facebook where people like to see faces while on Instagram you can be artsier with pictures and get lots of traffic love.
Space for a Blurb
Additionally, every social media platform has different amounts of space for a blurb introducing the image and link to the content that you’re sharing. Plus, the users have different preferences on how they want that to look.
Times for Sending
They also have different “best” times to send information. Even though you have the same audience, the way people use certain social platforms is slightly different. Most platforms have information for you regarding best times and days to post something new using the stats they’ve collected.
Calls to Action
How you post your CTAs will also be different depending on the network. On some like Twitter, you can be more direct to ask people to share, click, or buy. But on Instagram, you’ll need to ensure that your profile has a link back to your site and people will have to search for it.
When you post the exact same thing across all platforms due to the ability to automate such things you’re missing out on the importance of engaging your audience. You start to look like you’re not even a person and people will stop engaging with you and follow you because of it. Therefore, take the time to tweak individual posts for each platform or just use one.
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