Let’s look at a few basic rules of copywriting that you should almost always follow, but first, understand that rules are made to be broken. The one thing to remember about copywriting is that what matters most is to do what works. If you break a rule and it works, so what. Start with the rule, then tweak as you go. Test. Change. Test and change again.
There are three basic rules of copywriting that everyone should seek to understand and implement in all the copy they create. This could be called “The Rule of One.” You have likely heard a discussion about focusing on your customer of one and not the “audience,” and this is more of that for you to think about.
Develop One Measurable Goal for the Copy
You can have many goals for any piece of copy in your mind, but the copy needs to be very clear on the one thing it wants the viewer to do. That might be to call you, hire you, sign up for your email list, grab a freebie you created, or something else. But it should only be one goal that you can track.
Focus on Promoting One Thing
When you try to promote too many things and give too many options, your readers and viewers may end up doing nothing because they are confused. Focusing on promoting just one action at a time is going to work better. You can create more content to promote other things. Promote signing up for your newsletter, promote buying that one product, promote joining your group – just one thing at a time.
Target One Audience Member
Many people who learn about copywriting and promoting products or services online and offline become a little disturbed and fearful about excluding others. However, when it comes to being effective with copywriting, you must learn to focus on one thing at a time and write to and for just one customer or audience member at a time. Your copy will become much more personal and effective when you have that one person in your mind. It can help to create a client avatar to help you.
The best thing for you to do in order to learn more about using this rule of one in your copy is to find examples of how other successful businesses are using the technique. Getting inspiration from others is the best way to learn what works and what doesn’t work before you try it yourself.
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