Your headlines are some of the most important content you’ll ever write because it’s the first thing your audience sees. If that headline doesn’t interest them, they will not click through and if they do not click through that means they will not see the amazing copy you wrote or buy the effective problem-solving product you made for them. With that in mind let’s look at some ways to help you craft attention-grabbing headlines.
Bring Out Their Emotions
When you can make your audience feel something just by reading the headline, whether it’s excitement, hope, or something else, the trick is to ensure that the emotion evoked is not a negative one that can’t be overcome by taking an action.
Point Out the Benefits
They want to know what they are getting, much more than a “checklist” but rather a way to avoid mistakes or a way to save time. For example, you might word the headline like this: Use This Timesaving Facebook Advertisement Checklist to Create Converting Ads.
Remember KISS
You’ve heard of this acronym before, and you do want to keep it simple, but you also want to keep it short, and you want to keep it specific. Titles should be very specific about what is inside and not trick anyone.
Know Your Limits
When you are creating a headline, you need to think about how your viewer will see the headline. Will it come to them in an email, will it be on a sales page they view on their smartphone, or will they view it on a computer? The length of the title is important and the shorter you can make it, the better.
List It or Teach Them
People like learning new things, that’s why you’ll see lots of headlines that are “how to” and 101 things and so forth. When you list it or teach them how to do it, the numbers or the idea of learning attracts them to click through.
Compare & Contrast
Another thing you can do with a headline is to compare and contrast the problem and the solution. “Back pain or something worse?” This way you highlight the issue and make them curious to find out more.
Elicit FOMO
Everyone, even if they think they don’t care, are affected by the fear of missing out. You can elicit this idea by putting keywords in the title that signal a time limit. “Don’t miss this free Facebook Ad Cheat Sheet.”
Use Audacious Language
You can also use bigger words that bring lots of emotions and thoughts to the reader’s mind. “Never Get Hungry Again” is a pretty audacious statement to make to people who want to lose weight.
As you create your headlines, you need to know what the point is. Why do you want them to click and what will they get out of it? When you can use your imagination to craft a headline that considers the audience, the topic, and what they get out of it, you’ll win the headline game every single time.
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