Let’s Recap 30 Days of Copywriting Tips

Let’s Recap 30 Days of Copywriting Tips

Can you believe that it’s been 30 days of Copywriting Tips already? It’s hard to believe, but you’ve learned so much in these 30 days that you probably have not had an opportunity to put it all into practice. That’s okay because you have time. Let’s take a quick walk...
Let’s Recap 30 Days of Copywriting Tips

Should You Write Your Headlines First or Last?

When writing headlines, some people swear by writing the headlines last, and some people swear by writing the headlines first. Let’s go over the pros and cons of each but understand that you should do things the way it works best for you based on data. If you have...
Let’s Recap 30 Days of Copywriting Tips

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Storytelling in Your Copy

Storytelling is a time-tested method of disseminating information to people that helps generate an audience who understands the message and responds to the calls to action. As you learn more about copywriting, you start to realize that one way to ensure that an...
Let’s Recap 30 Days of Copywriting Tips

Get Their Attention by Poking Pain Points

One way to hook your reader into your content is to focus on their pain points. Some people call it rubbing salt in wounds but if that makes you feel bad about doing it, think of it in a new way. By getting their attention by poking pain points, you are showing that...
Let’s Recap 30 Days of Copywriting Tips

Writing Copy for the Results Your Customers Want

The most important thing that copywriting teaches you is that everything you create in your business is for your customers. The copy must be about your reader and not your product. This sometimes can seem confusing. But the best way to look at it is to think about...