Heading Tags And Their SEO Importance Explained

Heading Tags And Their SEO Importance Explained

Welcome to Day 5 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! You’ve probably heard of header tags, but you may not realize why they are so important for proper search engine optimization (SEO). First, you need to understand what heading tags are....
Heading Tags And Their SEO Importance Explained

You Need To Work Your Keyword Into Your Title

Welcome to Day 4 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! One of the first thing your target audience will see prior to even clicking through to read the content is your blog post and page titles. Writing catchy headlines that help your audience...
Heading Tags And Their SEO Importance Explained

What’s Your Target Market Searching For?

Welcome to Day 3 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! The key to using the right keywords and keyword phrases is to know what your target audience is searing for. When you know this, you can design your content around what they’re searching...
Heading Tags And Their SEO Importance Explained

What Are Keywords and Key Phrases

Welcome to Day 2 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! When talking about keywords try to understand that there are keywords and key phrases. The technical terms are short and long tail keywords. A long tail keyword is long, includes modifiers...
Heading Tags And Their SEO Importance Explained

Why You Need SEO Traffic And How It Works

Hello and welcome to the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! SEO, or search engine optimization, is the method by which you improve or “optimize” your website. The content on your website as well as the content you create off of your website for your...