Let’s Talk Features vs. Benefits

Let’s Talk Features vs. Benefits

As you learn to create more relevant copy, one thing that you must learn to focus on is benefits over features. When you focus on benefits to your ideal customer more than anything else, it will resonate with them more than if you talk only about features. However,...
Let’s Talk Features vs. Benefits

What You Need to Know About Crafting a Great Hook

Hooking people into your content is a term that writers use in all genres. When you create a great hook, your audience’s attention is grabbed from the first second that they view your copy. Getting good at crafting a great hook takes practice. Here are some techniques...
Let’s Talk Features vs. Benefits

To Get Better at Copywriting, You Have to Write Copy

You may not believe it right this minute, but if you are reading this, you can learn how to write copy. All it takes is practice. They say that it takes 10,000 hours of study and practice to become an expert. To that extent, with few exceptions, you can become an...
Let’s Talk Features vs. Benefits

5 Great Books on Copywriting That are Worth Reading

One way to learn about copywriting is to keep reading about it. Books are relatively inexpensive, and some of them can be read for free if you have Kindle Unlimited. Regardless if they cost $20.00 or less doesn’t matter if it’s good information that you will learn...