Crafting Your Content Marketing Strategy

Crafting Your Content Marketing Strategy

Hello and welcome to the Crafting Your Content Marketing Strategy Challenge! In today’s online market the demand for new content is bigger and faster than ever. But that means it’s also harder than ever to keep up with the demand. Throughout this challenge...
Bonus: Monetizing Your Email Messages

Bonus: Monetizing Your Email Messages

Thanks so much for joining me for the How To Get Your First Subscribers challenge. Here is a special bonus post on monetizing your email messages. You have created an extraordinary and compelling lead magnet that is persuasive and solves one problem in a hurry for...
Bonus: Monetizing Your Email Messages

18 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Welcome to Day 29 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! As you get started building your email list, it’s imperative that you work to avoid the problems others have with email marketing. Email marketing is not dead. Email marketing is still “where the...
Bonus: Monetizing Your Email Messages

Nothing Is Done Until You Track Your Metrics

Welcome to Day 28 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! As you work toward building a strong and highly converting email list, one of the ways you can know you’re doing things effectively is to track the numbers. Your metrics are the key to knowing what...