6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

Welcome to Day 17 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! Once you have created your freebie, you’ll want to create an opt-in page. This list of things to include on your freebie opt-in page will help you make one that gets your ideal audience’s attention...
6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

Creating Landing Pages for Your Freebies

Welcome to Day 16 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! When it comes to lead magnets, you want your landing page to be very focused on the people who need the freebie you’re promoting and the freebie itself. Don’t try to appeal to everyone, and don’t...
6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

5 List-Building Success Tips

Welcome to Day 15 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! There is a lot more to list building than merely offering a sidebar sign up for your “newsletter.” Building a list that includes hungry customers who want your offers requires that you know the...
6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

How to Keep Your Email List Engaged

Welcome to Day 14 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! You may wonder what your autoresponder sequence has to do with getting more subscribers. After all, you’re building the list before anyone sees what type of emails they’ll receive. What happens once...
6 Things to Include on Your Freebie Opt-in Page

Create and Set Up Email Autoresponder Messages

Welcome to Day 13 of the How To Get Your First Subscribers Challenge! Once you have created your freebie, you need to create and set up autoresponder messages based on that freebie and based on the goals you have for the people who downloaded that freebie. You can use...