Describe Your Ideal Customer or Client: Create a Customer Avatar

What Do You Sell? Really?

As you work through your business plan, one of the things that come up is what do you sell. Well, it may seem easy to list products and services by name, and that’s enough. But the truth is each product or service has a reason it’s selling that has nothing to do with...
Describe Your Ideal Customer or Client: Create a Customer Avatar

How Will You Find Your Customers and Clients?

As you research your customers, you’re going to figure out where they like to hang out, what keeps them awake and worried, and more. It might help you to know some of the processes of finding your customers and clients as you move forward with creating your business...
Describe Your Ideal Customer or Client: Create a Customer Avatar

What Type of Business Do You Really Want?

As you work on your business plan, one of the things you’re going to have to figure out is what type of business you really want. The type of business you start will inform many of your choices due to legalities and simply traditional practice. Whether your business...