Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Welcome to Day 30 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days. You’ve learned why it’s important to focus on the content on your...
Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Don’t Be Afraid To Use Multi-Media Content

Welcome to Day 28 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! When creating SEO content, it’s important to remember that there are many types of content besides text that you can use. In fact, the more types of content you use the better the search...
Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

The Power Of Epic Content To Help With Searchability

Welcome to Day 27 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! There are many different types of content that you will want to develop for your online and offline presence. General evergreen blog posts, multimedia content, individual page...
Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Using Bolding And Italic Fonts Effectively In Your Content

Welcome to Day 26 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! When people read content online they tend to read in an F pattern. They want to scan the content for information and keywords to find out if it’s something they really want to read or...
Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Going Deep & Going Wide With Your SEO Content

Welcome to Day 25 of the the How To Drive SEO Traffic To Your Website Challenge! When you are working on developing content and creating a content strategy you’re going to want to go both deep and wide with the topic. Going wide with your wide can attract new audience...