Running ads and promotions on Facebook is a lucrative way to spread brand awareness, to build your list, and to make more sales. Copywriting for a Facebook ad is not much different from any other type of writing, but you do have to think of space and the limitations that Facebook places. In many ways, Facebook ads are just like any other display ad but with some interesting rules.
Watch Your Images
Be careful about the images you choose for Facebook. If there is text on the image, sometimes Facebook will disapprove of the advertisement. You can ask for a manual approval to avoid this problem in many cases.
Use Words Carefully
When you choose words for your advertisement, your space is very limited based on the type of ad you chose. Focus on presenting the offer by telling them the offer, the benefits, and who it’s for.
Write to Your Target Audience
Go ahead and dig through the different ways that you can segment and target your audience on Facebook so that you can see who you’re targeting then write directly to your target audience.
Create More Than One Ad
It’s better to create more than one advertisement if you have different segments to target on Facebook. It’s better to narrow down the target for each ad than to create one that goes after everyone.
Choose Your Visuals Wisely
People resonate with people who look like them more than anything else. Choose your visuals based on the person you most want to attract. If you want to get people’s attention, choose a surprising visual that gets attention.
One Clear Call to Action Only
You don’t have room for more than one CTA, and on Facebook, this is going to go either over or under the image you choose – not on it. You’ll type it in at the time you create the advertisement. Double check how much space you get before settling on what you want there.
Lead with Value
Remember that you want to lead with the value of your offer. What is the value? Are they going to get more traffic, lose weight, save money, or what? State how the offer is valuable to them and be specific.
If There is a Cost, State It
When people see advertisements on Facebook, you must understand they’re on Facebook to socialize or read things – not buy. Therefore, don’t trick them. If it’s free, state so; if it costs, state so.
Test Everything
When you first run your ad, set your budget lower and the time limit for a shorter period like a few days or a week to find out how the ad will do. If it’s performing in a positive way, add more money to the ad and run it again. If it’s not doing that well, tweak it and try again.
The reason Facebook advertising works so well is because everyone is there. They allow for very specific targeting for your ads. You can choose custom audiences, location, gender, interests, and more. You can also remarket to people who have come to visit your website or landing pages too by using a pixel. The sky is truly the limit with Facebook Ads – if you can get their attention.
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