Welcome to Lesson 21 of 30 Days To Your Profitable Blog challenge! Let’s focus on why writing a book will be game changing for your blog and business.
Writing a book is a dream many of us have. It might seem like something that’s out of reach. However, the truth is you already have a number of things going for you as a blogger that make you well-suited to write and market a book. Putting a book out into the world, whether it’s an eBook or print book, can bring you many benefits. Plus, it’s not as difficult as you might think. You can even repurpose your blog posts and turn them into a book that people want to buy. Take a look below to learn about the advantages of writing a book and how to get started.
Should You Write a Book?
You’re currently in the perfect position to write a book. As a blogger, you’re already writing on a regular basis. You have ideas, expertise, and a platform. These things put you ahead of others who have only been thinking about writing up until this point. In fact, you already have content. You’re well ahead of the game. You can take that content and repurpose it into book format. In addition, you’ve likely developed a writing habit that will see you through the process of turning your blog into a book. You can commit to a schedule and are accustomed to the process of writing. Finally, you already have an audience. Even if it’s small, it’s a start. You have a place to share your words and your thoughts, along with a group that is receptive to receiving them.
Why Write a Book?
There are lots of reasons to write a book. You can establish yourself as an expert in this way. Though publishing has evolved, people still view book authors with a certain amount of credibility. A book can also help you to publicize your blog and give it a bigger reach. More readers mean more money-making opportunities. This includes the passive income your book can bring. You can also grow your email list when you become a book author. Having that list allows you future opportunities to connect with potential buyers of your products.
Game-changing Method: How to Repurpose Your Blog Posts
You probably write on a variety of topics. For your book, it’s best to choose one as the focus. Then, you’ll need to gather up the relevant posts and any other information you already have on that topic. Anything you’ve written is fair game, as it will save you from writing new content to fill in the gaps. Use your blog’s tag system to search under your topic and other ones that are relevant. Next, take steps to organize the material you have in a way that flows well and makes sense. Check to be sure all posts are current in their information. Some may need to be updated, depending on the subject material. Finally, take a look to be sure the information flows well. You may need to add some content between articles or remove wording that only made sense in blog format.
This sums up the basics of turning your blog posts into an eBook or print book. Saving your work into PDF or other format and creating a cover design are the final touches of developing a book. As you can see, the process isn’t as complex as you might have once thought. But I have a few more trick up my sleeves on not only creating your book but creating a launch that will be successful as well. Check out my How to Repurpose Your Content into a Book.
Have you thought of creating a book for your blog before? Comment below.
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