Welcome to Day 15 of the Crafting Your Content Marketing Strategy Challenge!
Did you know that it costs several times more to get a new customer than it does to please the ones you have? Creating lifetime customers is a challenge that every business owner should embrace. What’s more, is that you can turn satisfied customers into brand advocates too, thus getting even more out of your efforts.
When you have the goal of creating lifetime customers, you need to focus your content on your satisfied customers. You can send the content to them in email, in a private group or forum, one-on-one, in a membership group, and directly in the mail.
The type of content you’ll create to turn them into lifetime customers will consist of much of the same types of content you’ve already given them, but since they’re already on your list, you can do it more directly.
In fact, some marketers suggest that this is the point at which you turn your funnel upside down and start over dripping information to your customers about future products and services, as well as affiliate offers you know will help them.
Segment Your Customers
Don’t just segment your customers based on buyers and non-buyers. Segment them further based on their interests, behavior, specific purchases, and more. The more segmented you can make your customers, the more individual you can get with the type of content you deliver to them.
Understand Your Goals
When you are focused on customer retention, it’s important to also focus on repeat and future purchases. You can accomplish this by following up aggressively with your customers to welcome them, show them how to use your products, and to seek their opinion about how you’re doing. Plus, by creating more products that are designed just for your customers who purchased a product from you already.
Focus on User-Centric Design
The design of your site should be focused on your users. It’s not about what you find beautiful or what you think works; it’s what your audience – and especially your customers – believe they need to make the content or website work for them.
Survey Your Customers
You need to know how your customers feel about your brand and whether they are emotionally committed to it or not. Plus, it’s important to determine how they feel about your products and services in terms of their value and whether the perceived value guides them to make more purchases and or participate in brand advocacy.
Use Remarketing Technology
Today, you can use technology to market directly to your customers using their email addresses as well as by using special code given to you by the advertising platform you chose – such as Facebook, Google, Bing, and Twitter. You can literally deliver more information to your customers this way that only they see.
Send the Right Content
With your goal being to create lifetime customers, you’ll want to send the right content to them based on the knowledge you have about them. Absolutely invite them to your community at this point because the best way to build true lifetime customers is to get even closer to them and touch base with them daily.
Content marketing at this point in your relationship with your customers is all about delivering information about how to use the product or service purchased and what they might want to learn about or do next. The more often you can connect with them, the more opportunities you have to build loyalty. Focus on many relevant touchpoints in terms of content such as videos, exclusive live events, sneak peeks, and behind the scenes information. Make them feel like they are part of your business, and they really will be.
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